South America is a continent surrounded by Atlantic Ocean on the Eastern side and Pacific Ocean on the western side. It is possible to cycle across the continent, though they are not designated bike routes. You use the normal roads together with other road users. Cycling is in South America can be adventurous and fun, depending on the time of the year which determines the prevailing weather conditions. The South America circuit gives a visual outlook and appreciates the environment and all its surroundings. It takes less than 10 months to complete the cycling circuit from the South to the North.
Southern route
You can begin your route from the South at Marica Riohancha, Santa Marte; the coastal city in the Pacific Ocean. You then move to Peninsular, Venezuela to experience the sand beaches and great weather. The road takes you to Tierra-del Fuegro in the Caribbean Sea. It is 1,200 km stretch from the Southern City of Ushuaia. In Argentina, you will enjoy the wild animals from the parks and glaciers mountain of Perito Moreno and Mount Fitz Roy. From Tierra-del Fuego you move North road to Ruta 40 as you pass through Paratoginia; at this point you enjoy the woodlands of Chile and a green landscape of the grasslands.
Argentina route
Take Carrelera- Austria Road that has a gravel surface. Along the route you will encounter snow-capped mountains, rivers and their resultant features for an awesome visual look. This area lacks any facilities, when leaving the coastal city carry enough food and drinks. It is sparsely populated with lots of fishing activities and sight of Salmon and Trout fish species.
The road ends at the city of Puerto Mont, then go through Argentina to the sandy beaches of Andes. Rota 40 road still meets Mendoza to enjoy sea food and recreational facilities. You can ride north to Argentina to Salta town which is 400 km from Bolivia- a border town. The area is characterized by mountains and has a rough terrain making riding a difficult challenge. It has low temperatures of below -250C and high altitudes. The area is remote with no recreational facilities though the people are friendly. At this point there are two routes:
Chile Route
It heads towards Chile in the Pacific coastline along Andes to Peru, Ecuador and Columbia.
Bolivia route
You can cross Bolivia towards the North then to Amazon- Brazil through the adventurous mountains. The area has friendly people with rich diversified culture and social welfare.
Southern Chile
All these routes lead you to Southern Chile and Peru in the North. In Andes the temperatures are average, it allows you to enjoy riding while site seeing the spectacular landscapes and geographical features. Finally, you cycle on Road BR319 with Jaguars and gorillas. They pose a threat but no need to raise alarm.
Before you take a bike trip in South America, be conversant with the current weather conditions at that time, since the roads are not designated for bike rides. They can be muddy and messy though passable. The South American circuit gives a touch of all extreme environments for cognitive challenge and adventurous ride.